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Need To Modify Your Child Support Payments? Work With An Experienced Raleigh Child Custody Lawyer.

Does the child support arrangement you agreed to no longer meet you and your child’s needs? If so, then you may be eligible for a child support modification. After divorce, many of the decided matters are subject to change. In fact, it is not unusual for either spouse to seek either a downward or an upward modification to their child support payments. The burden of proof for a modification will be on the petitioning spouse, however. The petitioning spouse must prove that their circumstances have changed to the extent that a modification to the child support payments is necessary.

If you have any questions and need guidance through the process, speak with our Raleigh divorce attorney at Hopper Law Office at once! Call 919-948-5373.

Have Your Life Circumstances Changed?

Often, a paying spouse will petition for a downward modification when he or she has a change of circumstances with their job or income source. Some of the circumstances that would most likely result in a downward modification to their child support payments include:

  • Loss of a job
  • Cut in hours
  • Cut in pay
  • Change of jobs
  • Changing to a lower-paying job

It’s important to keep in mind that child support payments are not retroactive. So, even if you started earning less money six months ago, the courts won’t adjust how much money you owe your ex-spouse. The only way you can begin paying less is by petitioning the courts for a modification and scheduling a court date.

What You Need To Know Before You Go To Court

Once your court date has taken place and the judge has agreed that you can begin paying less, only then are your child support payments lowered, and from that point forward, you can begin paying less. This is where a lot of people make mistakes. Make sure that you do not take any action until it has been approved by the court. If you have experienced a change of circumstances, we urge you to contact our Raleigh child support lawyer from Hopper Law Office as soon as possible. On the other hand, if you are a receiving spouse and you wish to seek an upward modification, we can also help you prepare all the necessary documentation in order to present your case in front of the judge.

Contact a Raleigh family law attorney from the firm today to learn more about modifications.