Our Core Mission Is To Help You Resolve Your Family Law Concern


Steps to Successfully File for Divorce in 2016

Sometimes coming to the decision to file for a divorce is surprisingly easy, you and your spouse both know that your marriage must be dissolved for you to continue to be happy. Sometimes it is one of the most difficult things in the world, you know something is wrong but aren’t entirely sure divorce is the answer. Regardless of how…

Prenuptial Agreements FAQ

What exactly does a prenuptial agreement do? For one thing, a prenuptial agreement does not have to mean that you are already thinking about the possibility of a divorce. It actually can include stipulations about your finances during the marriage. Of course, it is also a precaution, a way of outlining how property division would work if there should ever…

Helping Your Children Work Through Your Divorce

With so many families today filing for a divorce, it won’t be a complete shocker to your children when they hear that a divorce is happening. It may; however, shock them when they realize that split is with their own parents. After much consideration, you and your spouse know that a divorce is what is best for each of you…

The Different Joint Custody Arrangements

If you and your ex-spouse have joint custody of the kids, you will have to figure out how you are going to work out a sharing schedule. If your child is in school, chances are that one parent will have to have the child during the week and the other will have custody on the weekend. If two parents live…

Getting a Prenuptial Agreement as an Older Couple

While many couples don’t even think about signing a prenuptial agreement, this type of document is recommended for couples that marry during their later years. When you decide to get married after the age of forty, you are likely to be bringing certain things into your marriage that a younger person may not. You could have already been married, have…

Equitable Distribution and Property Division

In almost every divorce there are usually varying amounts of assets, properties, and belongings that are acquired during the course of the marriage, and must be divided between the spouses. This process of property division, which is also known as equitable distribution , involves the fair and equitable division of the marital property based on many factors about the marriage,…

