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Steps to Successfully File for Divorce in 2016

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2016 | Divorce, Family Law, Marriage

Sometimes coming to the decision to file for a divorce is surprisingly easy, you and your spouse both know that your marriage must be dissolved for you to continue to be happy. Sometimes it is one of the most difficult things in the world, you know something is wrong but aren’t entirely sure divorce is the answer. Regardless of how you come to the decision to divorce, though, you still have to actually go through the steps to get it done. But where do you begin?

If you are divorcing in 2016, follow these steps to get to a successful filing:

  • Property list: The first step of any divorce is creating a divorce petition, but before you can create one of those documents, you need to consider the major aspects of your marriage. For most people, they should start with marital, community, and non-marital property. Don’t forget that financial accounts are included in this list.
  • Children’s needs: If you share any children with your spouse, think of their needs upfront. You may have to be willing to put what is best for them before what you think is best for you. After all, any divorce court will already be thinking along those lines.
  • Protect yourself: A divorce may begin due to heating arguments escalating into domestic violence. In such a serious situation, you may want to file for a restraining order before you continue beyond this point.
  • Create the petition: It is highly advised that you retain the services of a professional divorce attorney when you create your divorce petition. This will ensure that it says and does everything as you intended and meets all legal requirements.
  • Serve it: Before your state can start to acknowledge that your divorce exists, the divorce petition needs to be served to your spouse. Depending on the situation, you may need someone else to serve the papers for you. In the example of domestic abuse, you can usually request a local sheriff deputy to serve it for you.
  • Responding: You can request that your spouse create a response to your divorce petition. This basically states that they concede to the concept of divorce. Note that it does not necessarily mean that they agree with everything you outlined in the petition but only that they agree that divorce is right for your marriage.
  • Team up: At this point, the divorce is up in the air and being inspected from all angles by several parties. Your spouse has most likely retained a divorce lawyer to ensure their rights are being respected; you should do the same or else risk being at a disadvantage.
  • If you live in North Carolina and are considering filing for divorce in 2016, allow our Raleigh divorce attorney come to your assistance. We make an extra effort to always be compassionate and caring towards our clients. We know that a divorce is a difficult time, even in the best of situations, like an uncontested divorce. We just want to make things easier for you while simultaneously making sure you, your rights, and your children are safe and sound.

    Dial 800.705.8950 today to speak to our team here at Hopper Law Office.

