Our Core Mission Is To Help You Resolve Your Family Law Concern

The Importance of Fathers’ Rights

On Behalf of | Oct 15, 2011 | Child Custody, Child Support, Family Law, Fathers' Rights

While there are some men who get women pregnant, only to disappear forever,
there are those who want to be an active part in their children’s
lives. However, it is not always easy to obtain the right to see or visit
with one’s children, a problem that is being addressed by the recent “fathers’ rights” movement.

In the case of unwed couples, it can be quite difficult to obtain child
custody rights when the mother of the child doesn’t want you to see
the child. The fathers’ rights movement is said to have begun when
several men questioned the right of women to give up their children for
adoption when the birth father was present and willing to be a part of
the children’s lives. By using the Fourteenth Amendment, several fathers
were able to fight for their rights and win.

Fathers’ rights are of great value to men not only when it comes to
child custody, but also when it comes to
visitation and child support matters.

If you are ready to fight for the right to see your biological child, now
is the time to
contact Hopper Law Office and speak with a
Raleigh family lawyer who is an advocate of fathers’ rights in North Carolina.

