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Child Support

Sperm Donor Ordered to Pay Child Support

Five years ago, a Kansas man responded to an ad he saw on Craigslist posted by a lesbian couple seeking a sperm donor. He said that he wanted to help them out. The man donated for free, and he signed papers to waive his parental rights. Last Thursday, January 23, however, a judge ordered the man to pay child support,…

Getting the Help of Experts in Your Divorce

Divorce is such a complex process for some couples that the assistance of experts is essential. Of course, every divorcing individual will need a legal expert on their side to protect their interests and to negotiate a divorce settlement. But here are some other experts that you may not have realized could help you. One of these experts could be…

Why Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer?

You may be looking into do-it-yourself options when it comes to divorce, but is it worth the cost in the long run? In most cases, no. Not only can a cheap DIY divorce lead to ghastly errors, but having an experience lawyer on your side can mean quickly achieving the divorce settlement that you deserve. There are several reasons why…

Establishing Paternity in Raleigh

Depending on the circumstances, a paternity test could establish the father’s rights and/or the mother’s rights, as well as the rights of the child. There are several ways to establish paternity. One is that a married couple has a child; both biological parents are immediately considered the legal parents. If a couple marries after having a child, then paternity is…

Difference between Joint & Shared Custody

Parents who choose to file for a divorce are given varying options for how to handle the situation for their children. This means that they are given an option between joint or shared custody, in order to determine what is best for the children and works most efficiently with the parents. Joint custody is basically when the parents are given…

Calculating Child Support

If you are considering a divorce as a parent, you may be concerned as to how the court determines the extent of child support after the spilt. There are many very important factors that will be taken into account by the court in order to determine what is necessary for the children and what each spouse needs or has. First…

Divorce and Finances: Tips to Remember

If you are getting a divorce, then you may want to think about your financial knowledge. Divorce involves a lot of money matters, and if you aren’t prepared you might find yourself in a pickle. You will want to do your homework and learn about finances in order to get the most money possible in the split. According to The…

Issues You Will Need to Address During Your Divorce

Although no two divorces are exactly alike, there are similar issues that almost every divorcing couple needs to consider. By understanding what these are beforehand, your divorce can be processed faster and with less aggravation. The first and often foremost issue is property division. Whether you are a multi-millionaire or live modestly, you will need to consider how to split…

Paternity Actions to Establish Father Relationships

There are times when establishing paternity is a struggle. In these cases, either parent can petition the court to have a DNA test conducted in order to confirm or deny paternity. This is done by filing a petition, or a paternity action, that can be approved by a judge. In many cases, the mother of a child will file such…

Getting Paternity Testing

A paternity test can be ordered by either party in a relationship, but it is often used by women to obtain child support while raising their children. In every state, welfare offices can also petition to have the paternity of a child established in order to force an individual to contribute financially. This is often done in cases where the…

