Our Core Mission Is To Help You Resolve Your Family Law Concern

Uncontested Divorce Can Save You Time and Money

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2011 | Contested Divorce, Divorce, Family Law, Uncontested Divorce

Although there are always hurt feelings in a divorce, it is better to ask for an uncontested divorce, when possible, if you are looking to terminate your marriage quickly.

Rather than arguing over the failed relationship, finances and property, you can file for an uncontested divorce and end your marriage with less time than a contested divorce demands. When you don’t want to spend countless hours in and out of the courtroom, uncontested divorce may be the right option for you.

However, just like any type of legal process, you need to be prepared even if your divorce is uncontested. For example, you do need to have all of your paperwork ready to present to a judge before you file. This means that you will need to discuss the issues of property, finances and children with your spouse before you move forward and may wish to have a Raleigh divorce lawyer present during these conversations.

Once key decisions have been decided upon, your uncontested divorce may move rather smoothly, saving you both time and money. Hopper Law Office to learn more about this type of divorce and if it is right for you.

