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Money and Spending Are Often Tightly Kept Secrets in a Marriage

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2010 | Divorce, Divorce Studies

Despite the recent slew of celebrity breakups that seem to revolve around
cheating, for most Americans, the secrets kept in a marriage are not about
affairs, but instead about money. Spending habits are a touchy subject among people
who live together. Each partner generally has strong ideas about how the
money should be spent, and often those ideas are conflicting.

According to a survey done by CESI Debt Solutions, 38% of married couples
are afraid that if their spouses knew about their secret spending, a
divorce or
separation might ensure. A total of 80% of the couples surveyed said that they hid
facts about their income or expenses from their spouse, and just over
18% even had a credit card that the other spouse doesn’t know about.
This new type of lying is being referred to as “financial infidelity.”

Have you discovered your spouse’s secret account? You should
contact a Raleigh Divorce Lawyer at Hopper Law to discuss your options with a legal professional.

