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Divorce Mediation

14 Empowering Lessons People Have Learned from Their Divorce

As painful as a divorce is, the hard lessons of divorce are often what make people into better versions of themselves. This has been attested to time and again by people who have made it through to the other side of a divorce. While each situation is unique, and there are numerous ways people can grow because of a divorce,…

Alternatives to a Litigated Divorce

Collaborative Divorce, Divorce Mediation, and Uncontested Divorce in Raleigh, NC Wondering how you can get an amicable divorce in Raleigh? For one thing, you will have to avoid a litigated divorce. The cost of this type of divorce is almost never worth it, the financial and emotional costs only being exacerbated by how long this often antagonistic process takes. The…

How to Approach a Divorce Settlement

Most divorces will end in a settlement, not in some dramatic courtroom setting. And that is good news, as this gives most couples the chance to end things amicably and quickly. If you are going to get a divorce, you should probably start getting ready for the settlement meeting or meetings. These meetings are when you, your soon-to-be ex, and…

Understanding Mediation and Negotiation

When it comes to filing for a divorce, the process may be a complicating one, regardless if you and your spouse are having a peaceful separation or not. However, when it comes to getting what you want in a divorce settlement, it is very common that spouses will agree to use the route of mediation in order to reach a…

Getting it Settled: Opting for Mediation and Avoiding Court

Going through a divorce has been repeatedly found to be one of the most traumatizing events in a person’s life. One of the most difficult stages of the divorce is the litigation process itself. For this reason, mediation is becoming a more popular and utilized alternative to litigation during a divorce. In many states, including North Carolina, some sort of…

Categories of Divorce in North Carolina

If you are considering a divorce in the state of North Carolina, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the various different categories that your divorce can fall under. Filing for a divorce is a lengthy and detailed process, and for that reason it is highly encouraged to contact and experienced Raleigh Divorce Attorney as soon as possible…

Post-Divorce Mediation Becoming More Popular

As more and more couples are relying on mediation to through their divorces, some are also using post-divorce mediation to make the transition easier. Rather than relying on each other to speak to one another about issues pertinent to your post-divorce situation, you can make the process easier by using a post-divorce mediator, such as a Raleigh divorce lawyer. Since…

Avoid Conflict with Divorce Mediation

You may have heard that divorce is a difficult process that leads to even more anger and heartbreak. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of fighting with your spouse through lawyers, you can try divorce mediation instead. For those couples who want to move ahead with their divorce in the most peaceful manner possible, mediation has become…

