Our Core Mission Is To Help You Resolve Your Family Law Concern


Does Infidelity Affect a Divorce Case in Raleigh?

In North Carolina, adultery is a ground (legal reason) for filing for divorce, and naturally, this will have an effect on the case, often making an already difficult process that much more painful. But does it have any other influence on the legal process itself? It can, yes, but perhaps not as much as expected. It may not directly affect…

Types of Alimony in North Carolina

Depending on a couple’s situation, there are numerous types of short- and long-term alimony (or spousal support) available. If a couple had a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that outlined how these spousal support payments would work in the event of a divorce, then a court would go along with that agreement. Otherwise, deciding how much to award, and even whether…

Getting the Help of Experts in Your Divorce

Divorce is such a complex process for some couples that the assistance of experts is essential. Of course, every divorcing individual will need a legal expert on their side to protect their interests and to negotiate a divorce settlement. But here are some other experts that you may not have realized could help you. One of these experts could be…

Divorce and Your Retirement: 4 Things to Avoid

As more and more couples get divorced in midlife, more and more people are being faced with concerns about how this divorce will affect their retirement plans. According to an ING U.S. study, divorcees are much more apprehensive about affording retirement than are married couples. The study also found that women who divorced ended up with $34,000 less than divorced…

North Carolina Divorce FAQs: Alimony

All manner of issues contribute to the stress of a divorce. Many of these issues are financial. Alimony is one such matter. If you have any questions about your case, please do not hesitate to contact the Hopper Law Office. In the meantime, here are some common questions to which we provide the answer. What is alimony? Alimony is another…

What Carolina Courts Consider when Determining Alimony

Alimony is a routine payment paid by one spouse for the maintenance and support of the other. Sometimes alimony comes in a lump sum to help a spouse get started on his or her own after divorce, while other times it is paid in monthly installments. Normally the spouse that makes less money is the one who ends up with…

How Much Will Your Divorce Cost?

Divorce is emotional, difficult, and often costly. Maritalstatus.com says that the average cost of a divorce in the United States is about $20,000. When one adds in alimony payments, dividing assets, legal fees, and tax consequences, that figure can even rise to a higher level. While most couples are willing to pay out the costly amount of money for a…

What is Lump Sum Alimony?

Before you sign a divorce settlement agreement, it is important to understand divorce, property division, and alimony laws in your state. By understanding the laws and speaking with a Raleigh family law attorney, you’ll have knowledge of what types of alimony you may be entitled to, such as lump sum alimony. Lump sum alimony, also referred to as alimony in…

