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Results of North Carolina’s “Booze It & Lose It” Campaign

On Behalf of | Apr 20, 2015 | Firm News

North Carolina regularly holds “Booze It & Lose It” campaigns intended to discourage and penalize drunk drivers. The state’s most recent campaign, which ran March 13 through March 17, was especially effective at keeping the roads safe during St. Patrick’s Day weekend.

Police departments throughout the state imposed numerous sobriety checkpoints and arranged for more manpower than usual. From the results that were shared, it appears that the campaign did the trick. 785 people were cited for drunk driving, compared to an excess of 800 in 2014. One officer pointed out that drivers might just be catching on – drunk driving is dangerous and it will not go unpunished.

Driving Drunk Simply Isn’t Worth It

The “Booze It & Lose It” campaign is a valuable source of information about the perils of drunk driving. According to statistics, someone is killed in an alcohol-related crash every 51 minutes. Additionally, drunk driving is responsible for one in three of all traffic fatalities.

North Carolina has been implementing these campaigns since 1994. When celebrating the 20 th anniversary of the program last year, the state Highway Safety Program featured 20 different individuals whose lives were impacted by drunk driving.

With each new campaign, more and more people become aware of just how dangerous drunk driving really is. Not only are the victims forever impacted, but those who commit this grievous offense are also affected by North Carolina’s strict laws. Even a first conviction can result in the loss of a license for one year, a minimum of 24 hours imprisonment, and a minimum fine of $200.

Drunk driving should not be taken lightly and thanks to North Carolina’s Booze It & Lose It campaigns, drivers are starting to understand this. If you were recently arrested for driving while intoxicated, don’t take chances with your future. Protect your rights by consulting with our Raleigh DUI lawyer right away. We have two decades of experience and are committed to your best interests.

Schedule your confidential consultation with Hopper Law Office today.

