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Understanding Domestic Violence Criminal Charges

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2013 | Violent Crimes

Domestic violence is defined as being some form of abuse or physically violent act another person who is a part of the family, or whom you are currently in a relationship with. For example, most cases that the public discusses involve wives who are beaten by their husbands, or children who are abused by either parents, but husbands can also be victims of abuse in the homes from their wives as well as either parent from their children. When looking at domestic violence cases, it applies to both the married and unmarried, heterosexual or homosexual, cohabitating and dating couples. Domestic violence convers any individuals who are living in the same home or are members of the same family.

In most cases, domestic violence related to multiple occasions of abuse in the home, repetitive actions either physical or emotional. When a person has been accused of domestic violence, or spousal abuse in some cases, the severity of the charges depends on the extent of the injuries acquired. Another factor that the court will take into consideration is if a minor was present when the abuse occurred and if the accused violated a restraining or protective order.

Domestic violence, though generally categorized as its own unique crime, will often times be paired with assault and battery charges among others. However, because of the circumstances which led up to these crimes, prosecutors will usually seek much more severe sentencing because the victims knew their abuser, and therefore feel a sense of betrayal.

Domestic violence appears in many different forms including physical abuse or beating, sexual abuse (even if the couple is married, no consent constitutes as rape), emotional abuse as well as economical abuse. If you have been accused of domestic violence, please do not hesitate in contacting a trusted Raleigh criminal defense attorney at the Hopper Law Firm, today! We will do whatever we can to fight for you.

