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Questions to Ask Before Keeping the House

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2013 | Divorce, Equitable Distribution

If you are going through a
divorce, there are a few things that you will want to ask yourself before you
decide whether or not keeping the house is the best route for you to go.
While it may hold much sentimental value to your life, your
children, and friendships, it may or may not be best of you to still have the home
once the divorce is finalized. Please continue reading to learn a few
questions that will help you think through these important details.

The most important question for you to think through is your reasoning
behind wanting to keep the house. Is this a decision that you have come
to because you know it is in spite of your spouse or because you have
a deep connection with the home and don’t want to leave? Perhaps you
have been awarded custody of the children and you want to keep them in
a familiar location while everything else about their life is changing
around them. Make sure that during a divorce you keep your decisions driven
based upon financial matters as opposed to emotional factors that you
are burdened by. You want to make sure you are focusing on the future
of you and your family, not the heartache you are feeling today.

Another important factor to consider is whether or not you can afford the
home after the divorce. Are you dependent on your spouse for the primary
income? Make sure that you will not be overcome by the property taxes,
your mortgage and general maintenance of the property by keeping the home.
It is never worth keeping if it makes you suffer with debt. For more help
regarding your divorce, and a trusted Raleigh divorce lawyer, contact
Hopper Law Office!

