Going through a
is difficult for everyone in your family, so if you have recently separated
from your spouse, here are some post-divorce parenting tips that might
help you out.
1. Concentrate on your kids when you’re with them. Instead of distancing
yourself or letting your emotions take over, set aside specific time to
deal with those emotions, such as during a lunch with a friend or a meeting
with a therapist.
2. Let your individual growth be reflected in your children. Many divorced
individuals discover new activities and passions that they didn’t
previously have time for. Let your kids join in! If you enjoy hiking,
bring them along. If you joined a class or a book club, teach them about
it as well.
3. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Depending on
your circumstances, you may have friends or acquaintances who are uncomfortable
with divorce or your new situation. Clean out your social group and surround
yourself and your kids with people who are caring and supportive.
Contact a Raleigh Divorce Lawyer at Hopper Law for further information about divorce and other
family law issues.