becomes more prevalent in our society, people are finding new ways to
cope and new ways to define their families. It is no longer considered
odd to be good friends with your ex, and some parents have even continued
family dinners with their children and their exes.
Family dinners have traditionally been a focal point of American life.
They are a time in which the entire family gets together and discusses
their days with each other. Now, as divorces are changing the structure
of families, some are opting to continue the family dinner, even after
divorce. This arrangement is especially helpful for people who share day to day
or for those who have
visitation rights
and may have a longer commute between parents.
As anyone who still has family dinners with an ex will tell you, it requires
a great deal of patience and maturity. You have to be able to rise above
any of your feelings towards your ex so that you can be co-parents together.
Even when it is only for a meal, it’s good for the children to see
their parents interacting in a healthy and mature way.
Contact a Raleigh Divorce Lawyer at Hopper Law today!