Separation Agreement as Alternative to Divorce

Are you contemplating divorce , but aren't sure that you actually want to file just yet? If so, you may want to consider signing a separation agreement first. This is a legally binding document which states that you and your spouse will no longer be living together, but haven't officially filed for divorce.

While you can simply move away from one another and decide not to speak for a certain period of time, you will not be protected by the law as you would with a separation agreement in place. This type of contract is especially important if you have children with your spouse, share property or a business with your spouse, or want to protect your assets in case you do decide to divorce.

Keep in mind, you can revoke the agreement at any time and resume your marriage as usual should you desire. Or, if you feel your marriage has truly come to an end, you can pursue divorce.

Do you have questions about separation agreements? If so, now is the right time to contact a Raleigh separation agreement lawyer from our legal team who can address your questions, provide you with counsel and help you take steps to create such a contract in North Carolina.
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